THE EVIL OF TWO LESSERS – or, why the working class shouldn’t support Harris or Trump
By Gregory A. Butler
America has two parties of the upper class, 80% of Americans have no voice in
American politics and supporting either party of the rich is, was and always
will be a bad idea for working class Americans
And NO,
campaigning for Harris can't be justified by saying that "fascism" is
on the horizon or that Trump is a "fascist"
is only relevant in countries with a politically independent working class, a
strong class struggle oriented labor movement, lots of strikes and a real
possibility of the working class seizing power and ending capitalism
That is
not America in 2024
This is a
country with two parties of the rich, no parties of the working class, a
corrupt, pro capitalist, decomposing labor movement in decay - six percent private sector union density -
that's less than the Republic of Sudan! and less strikes than we had in 1900
Trump is
an old school New York City real estate
con man and this is just a hustle - no,,
despite what NPR and MSNBC say democracy is not "in danger" -
just two politicians of the richest 20% of Americans, with nothing to offer but
the same old same old for the working class 60% of the population and more
prison cells, deportation and poverty for the bottom 20%
We need
working class political independence - we need a revolutionary, working class
based, communist party - in part to rebuild the labor movement (now down to
just 6% of the private sector) in part to expose the capitalist dominated
federal, state, county & local governments, all with the objective of
ending the exploitation of labor and private commodity production
the Democratic Party just pushes the political spectrum to the right,
accelerates the collapse of what's left of the labor movement & moves us
further away from building a working class ruled society
I get it
- Democratic machine politics can be quite lucrative - lots of temporary
campaign staff jobs, some of which become permanent legislative aide jobs,
which can lead to appointments to managerial positions in government,
government contracts or discretionary funding - that's literally the only
reason to get mixed up in the corrupt swamp of Democratic (or Republican)
politics (assuming a person is not very ethical - if you are an honorable
person... it's a very bad fit)
on the other hand - and communists and anarchists, and any partisan of the
working class - need to be fighting for political independence
Full stop
for Harris is not the way to go – nor, obviously, is voting for Trump
If you plan on voting, please vote for one of the progressive candidates
running against both of them
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