...AND RUMORS OF WARS - deportations, tariffs and the sea lanes of the South China Sea - a world war may be coming, can we stop it before it starts?
OF WARS – deportations tariffs and the sea lanes of the
South China Sea – a world war may be coming, can we can stop it before it
For the
last few years, the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China
and the United states Department of Defense have been quietly but deliberately
preparing for a world war in and around the South China Sea, the Straits of Taiwan and the
island of Taiwan itself
The world’s
two main imperialist powers – America and China – have come to conflict for the
reasons that imperialist countries always do – conflict over who’s billionaire investors
and multinational corporations will get to exploit and plunder the world
rose rapidly in the last century – from a backwards Third World semi feudal
state plundered by every imperialist power to being the world’s leading manufacturing
nation (30% of all the manufactured goods on the face of this Earth were MADE
IN CHINA) – the brutally underpaid superexploited labor of the world’s largest
working class – 781 million men, women and kids, including 1.6 million forced
laborers in Chinese correctional facilities – has enriched China’s corporations and
billionaires – they have lots of capital, they need to export it to other markets
and they need to control those markets – by force if necessary – to defend those
America, who became the world’s leading imperialist power after World War I,
has of course become China’s principal rival in this great game – in large part
because the rise of Chinese imperialism has been at American imperialism’s
expense – America was once the word’s leading manufacturer – now we’re a
distant #2 – 16% of the world’s goods are MADE IN USA – the underpaid
superexploited labor of the world’s third largest working class (India’s 554
million come in second) – 161 million men , women and kids including 800,000
forced laborers in American correctional facilities – enrich America’s billionaires
and corporations – they have lots of capital, they need to export it to other
markets and they need to control those other markets – by force if necessary –
to defend those investments
This conflict
explains much of what’s going on in the world today
It’s why
the US government is accelerating it’s two decade long campaign of persecution
and deportation of the nation’s 11 million undocumented workers – these
brutally underpaid and superexploited workers are overrepresented among America’s
14 million factory workers, 10 million construction workers, 3 million farm
workers (they’re actually a majority in that industry) and 12 million
restaurant workers
these workers with the threat of being dragged in shackles away from their
jobs, homes and families in America and flown to the poverty they fled in the
lands of their birth is intended to keep them working for low pay, under bad
conditions in fear of offering any resistance to their bosses – by attacking
the most oppressed workers in America – particularly in the critical surplus
value or profit producing sectors like factories, farms & construction –
this is an attack on the entire working class
American bosses like the fact that they’ve deunionized the US private sector – 94% non
unionized – & the few unions that still exist are tame, housebroken
and terrified of going on strike (99% of American union members have never
walked out and hit the picket line) - it’s
made they very wealthy at our expense
The average American private sector worker produces about $200,000 worth of goods or services a year…. but only gets paid $35,000 in gross pre tax wages in return (in a country where you need to make $100,000 a year to support a family of 4 at a middle income standard of living)
corporations, billionaire investors and millionaire business owners think that’s
good…. But not good enough – they want us to get paid less, but produce more
(and, of course pay more in prices and
rents when we try and buy the goods and services that we produce)
The conflict
with China makes forcing workers to work harder and longer for less pay
essential – trade wars are expensive, shooting wars even more so – and preparations for those
shooting wars are even more expensive
Speaking of trade wars, the chaotic imposition
of tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China is a result of this Sino-American
interimperialist rivalry and is intended to strengthen America’s position in
that conflict – the intent is to weaken China’s economy by cutting them off
from markets to export to, and preparing America’s economy for a time when it will
be impossible to import Chinese made
This is
also why the US government has suddenly become very interested in the Canadian
and Danish-Greenlandic Arctic – the loud talk of annexation is just an extreme
reflection of this need to prepare the
northern shore of North America for a future miliary conflict with China – and China’s
main ally, Russia
possible arena of this potential future war is the South China Sea and the
island of Taiwan
The South
China Sea is one of the world’s most important sea routes – most of China’s
exports to North America, Europe, the Persian Gulf States, Latin America,
Africa and South Asia travel through that sea – much of that trade flows across
the docks of the five big ports of the Pearl River Delta – the autonomous Chinese
citystates of Hong Kong and Macau and the mainland Chinese ports of Guangzhou
(formerly known as Canton), Shenzhen and Zhuhai
Most of
the maritime trade between Japan and
South Korea and Europe and the Persian Gulf states passes through the South
China Sea – most of those vessels have to pass through the chokepoints of the
Taiwan Straits between Taiwan and China and the Straits of Malacca between Malaysia
and Indonesia
All of the
maritime trade of Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand have to pass
through the South China Sea
On top of
that, there are vast reserves of oil and gas underneath the South China Sea – most
of those reserves are in areas claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia or
Indonesia – but China has made claims to small uninhabited islands, reefs and
sandbars in the sea, so as to contest those sea claims and the rights to the
oil and gas underneath
Also, China
has a 76 year old claim to Taiwan, a de facto independent country
was a Japanese colony from 1895 to 1945 – at the end of World War II, the
Chinese government at the time – the Kuomintang ruled Republic of China –
annexed Taiwan from Japan and occupied the island – which had not previously
been ruled by any Chinese government
In October
1949, upon being defeated by the Chinese Communist Party’s armed wing, the People’s
Liberation Army – the Kuomintang, the government of the Republic of China and
it’s Chinese Revolutionary Army (soon to be renamed the Republic of China Army)
fled to Taiwan
theory, both the governments of the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan claim
to be the lawful government of all of China (Taiwan’s government also claims
the territory of the Republic of Mongolia and Russia’s Tannu Tuva Autonomous
Republic) – in practice Taiwan is a de facto independent country and the PRC
has never actually ruled Taiwan – also very few Taiwanese have any desire to be
annexed by China, in large part because Taiwanese workers make much higher
wages than Chinese workers do – also Taiwan is a democracy while China is a
totalitarian dictatorship – also 800,000 of Taiwan’s 23 million people are Indigenous
Taiwanese, not ethnic Chinese
wants to control Taiwan for nationalist reasons – uniting all of the territory
claimed by the PRC under their rule – also the country is the world’s leading manufacturer
and exporter of semiconductors – it’s a competitor
with China in this market and controlling or destroying the Taiwanese computer
chip industry would deny semiconductors to the US – also a Chinese controlled
Taiwan would give the PLA Navy direct access to the Pacific Ocean without
having to pass through Japanese or Filipino territorial waters – a big deal
So a
future Sino-American war would be centered around the US Navy (aided by the
Japan Maritime Self Defense Force,
Republic of Korea Navy, Republic of China Navy, Armed Forces of the
Philippines Navy, People’s Army of Vietnam Navy and Royal Australian Navy) and
PLA Navy fighting in the Taiwan Straits and the South China Sea and the PLA
Navy and the People’s Armed Police’s China Coast Guard transporting the troops
of the PLA Ground Force to invade Taiwan
would be the largest naval battle since World War II
The Chinese
Communist Party’s armed wing – the People’s Liberation Army – and the CCP’s law
enforcement wing – the People’s Armed Police – have rapidly restructured to
prepare for this war
China has
built hundreds of civilian ferry boats to transport troops and vehicles – the PAP
built it’s small maritime wing – the China Coast Guard – into a large coastal patrol force – the PLA Navy has built itself
into the largest navy on Earth by ship count – the PLA Air Force have upgraded
their combat and transport aircraft – the PLA Ground Force have transformed
many of their units into airborne, air assault or amphibious units and the PLA
Navy have expanded their marine corps-style naval infantry forces, all in
preparation for the invasion of Taiwan
The PLA has also greatly expanded the
role of the noncommissioned officers – the Sergeants – the senior enlisted
troops who are the first line supervisors and training instructors of their army
– in preparation for this future
They have
also reorganized their ground combat units – large divisions, suitable for land
warfare, have been reorganized into smaller battalions, more fitted for deployment
by ship or aircraft
On the other
side, the US Navy and US Marine Corps have greatly upgraded their forces- the surface
vessels and submarines of the Navy, the civilian operated supply ships of the Military
Sealift Command, the aircraft, helicopters and drones of the Navy and Marine
Corps and the infantry forces of the Marine Corps
The last
group have been totally reorganized – the large mechanized brigades designed for
land warfare against terrorist groups have been reorganized into small battalions
designed for sea or aircraft deployment
If this
war were to occur, it would be a disaster for the working classes of the world – especially the working classes of
China and Taiwan
This is
especially true if either side were to use nuclear weapons – or if this were to
expand into a World War - with China,
North Korea and Russia on one side and America, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, the
Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand
on the other
So – what can we, the working class of the world – can do about it?
Not very much
at this time, unfortunately
Prior to World
War I, the Socialist International – the world association of the world’s socialist
parties – had a plan for preventing a
world war
In the event of war, the big socialist parties in Germany, Austria-Hungary,
Great Britain, France, Italy and Russia would
basically organize nationwide general strikes – centered around strikes
by railroad workers (the main
transportation method at that time) and workers in defense plants – and they’d
also organize mass refusals of young men to be called up for the draft
when 1914 rolled around ….they didn’t do any of that
middle class professionals who ran the world’s “working class” socialist
parties – elected officials, newspaper editors, journalists, lawyers, judges,
union officers etc – decided to side with the capitalist classes of their
countries instead of with the world working class
So, parliaments met and passed appropriations bills to pay for the
mobilization, young men reported for duty when called up for the draft, defense
plant workers and railroad workers reported to work and did their jobs and the
slaughter began with no resistance from the working class
This led
to a worldwide split in the working class – social democratic and socialist
parties followed the path of class collaboration with the capitalists of their
own countries - communist parties
nominally wanted to fight for global working class revolutions – in practice,
they just subordinated themselves to the new middle class rulers of the Soviet
Union and became instruments of their foreign policy
To make
matters worse, the social democratic, socialist and communist workers movements
in Finland, Hungary, Italy, Austria, Germany, Romania, Portugal and Spain were all
crushed by fascist dictatorships – and the workers movement in the Soviet Union
was destroyed by the middle class bureaucrats and factory managers dictatorship
in the Soviet Union
As a result, when World War II was on the horizon in the 1930s – there was no
force in the world capable of organizing working class resistance to the
oncoming war and mass murder – leading to 85 million deaths, including the genocide
of 6 million Jews
about the working class movement today?
focus on the three countries involved
Taiwan, there are two major political coalitions – the Pan Blue Coalition that
still claims Taiwan as the legitimate government of China and the Pan Green
Coalition which supports Taiwanese independence – both representing the
Taiwanese upper classes – and the working class does not have a party of it’s
has two major labor federations – the Pan Blue Coalition/Kuomintang dominated
Chinese Federation of Labor and the Pan Green Coalition dominated Taiwan
Confederation of Trade Unions – both have pro capitalist leaderships and combined they represent 28%
of Taiwanese workers
Both the
CFofL and the TCTU support Taiwanese self defense against any possible Chinese invasion
– an outlook that they share with Taiwanese workers
As for
Taiwan’s armed forces – the Republic of China Armed Forces and it’s constituent
elements – the 180,000 troops in the active duty Republic of China Army,
Republic of China Air Force, Republic of China Navy, Republic of China Marine
Corps and Republic of China Coast Guard and the 2.5 million personnel in the Republic of China Armed Forces Reserve
– are a draftee military – all young Taiwanese men have to serve for 2 years
military service is unpopular – especially among young men who actually have to
serve – there is no organized opposition to the draft
Also, in
the event of an invasion, Taiwanese transportation and defense plant workers
would report to work as long as it was possible to do so to assist in the national
defense (unless air raids or missile strikes made that impossible)
In the event
of war, the Taiwanese working class would follow the Taiwanese capitalist class
into war, to defend the Taiwanese capitalist state from invasion by Chinese
As for
China, the country is a totalitarian dictatorship – there are only 9 legal
political parties in the country, united in a
United Front
The United Front is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party – a class collaborationist
popular frontlist party that claims to speak for the “block of four classes” –
peasant farmers, workers, revolutionary intellectuals and the national bourgeoisie
In practice, the party is led by the Chinese capitalist
class – the billionaires and the private business owners – and the senior
officials of the government and the CCP
As for
the other 8 legal parties – all of which are formally and in practice
subordinate to and under the leadership of the CCP – the China National Democratic
Construction Association, led by private business owners, the China Democratic
League, Jiusan Society, China Association for Promoting Democracy and the
grossly misnamed Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party led by middle class professionals, the Revolutionary
Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, China Zhi Gong Party and Taiwan Democratic
Self Government League, representing pro PRC overseas Chinese
workers do not have a political party of their own – all of China’s 9 legal
parties are run by the Chinese upper classes
As for China’s
labor unions, China has five labor federations – in mainland China the CCP
dominated All China Federation of Trade Unions is the only legal labor federation
– representing 143 million of China’s 781 million workers or around 18%
In Macau there
is the 50,000 member strong CCP dominated Macau Federation of Trade Unions and
in Hong Kong there are 3 labor federations – the CCP dominated Hong Kong
Federation of Trade Unions with 420,000 members and the two opposition labor federations
– the 60,000 member Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labor Unions and the
5,000 member Hong Kong and Kowloon Trades Union Council (the latter federations
are the only independent unions in the PRC)
The leaders of the main labor federations in China – ACFTU, MCTU and HKFTU – are officially subordinated to the CCP and are class collaborationists who are subordinated to the Chinese capitalist class – they support Chinese imperialism, and in the event of China launching an invasion of Taiwan and an imperialist war with America and it’s Pacific Rim allies – Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand, they would certainly support the war
The two
independent Hong Kong labor federations oppose the Chinese government,
have ties to the capitalist led
opposition movement in Hong Kong and would certainly oppose any Chinese government
initiated foreign wars
As for
Chinese workers, China has more strikes than any other country on Earth – 719 strikes
last year – half of which were carried out by Chinese construction workers and
one third by factory workers – almost all of these strikes were “wildcat
strikes” – unofficial strikes, unsanctioned by the labor union leadership and carried
out by rank and file workers on their own – most of the strikes were attempts
to resist wage theft or layoffs and were usually either quickly settled by the
official labor leaders – or broken up by the batons of the People’s Armed
Police, People’s Police, Hong Kong Police Force and/or Macau Public Security
Police Force
for some of the Hong Kong workers – who have frequently gone on strike in
support of Hong Kong autonomy under the leadership of the two opposition
independent labor federations, HKKLU and HKKTUC – Chinese workers have not
carried out any political strikes since the national railroad workers strike
and the Shanghai Commune auto workers strike of 1966 – strikes that were
explicitly in opposition to the CCP leadership and the horribly misnamed Great
Proletarian Cultural Revolution
national railroad workers strike was the first and last national strike by
workers in any Chinese industry – no Chinese labor union has called a national
strike since, not even over economic issues, let alone political ones
As for popular support for an invasion of Taiwan or a war against America – the
Chinese upper classes want to make China the world’s dominant imperialist power
in general and want Taiwan and the South China Sea under Chinese control in
particular – in large part for the simple Yuan and Fen reason that if China
became the world’s dominant power they’d get a whole lot richer - however they’d
prefer to achieve these goals without a world war, which might end badly for China
As for
Chinese workers and small farmers – they’re more concerned about the state of
the Chinese economy, stagnant real wages, inflation and unemployment – they don’t
have the same Yuan and Fen interest in China becoming a great power – they just
want to pay rent and buy groceries (like workers everywhere else on the planet)
this opposition to war would have no active organized expression due to the
lack of a workers party and the fact that outside of Hong Kong there are no
independent labor unions
As for
the Chinese military, the PLA is an all volunteer force and has been since it
was founded in 1927 – China hasn’t had a draft since the days of the Kuomintang’s
Republic of China – also the PLA isn’t a state army, it is the armed wing of a
political party, the CCP and always has been
The PLA’s
Ground Force (1 million soldiers), Air Force (434,000 airmen), Navy (384,000 sailors
and marines), Rocket Force (300,000 personnel),
PLA reserves (510,000 troops), PLA Militia (8 million guardsmen), People’s Armed Police (1.5 million police officers)
and China Coast Guard (16,000 sailors) – all told, 12,144,000 volunteer
officers, non commissioned officers and enlisted people, all volunteers, all indoctrinated
by and under the strict political supervision of the Communist Party of China
What they lack in recent battlefield experience (China hasn’t fought a war since
the Sino Vietnamese War of 1979 – and they lost that one, badly, against a
smaller and weaker opponent) they make up for in commitment
There are
probably no other people in China more committed to using force to make China
the world’s leading superpower than the men and women of the PLA – that kind of
discipline and ideological commitment can be decisive when a military is facing
adversity under fire
Like many
professional armies, active duty PLA personnel and their families are somewhat
insulated from civilian life and the political views of the general public – so
even if there was widespread opposition to a war among the public the armed
forces would be somewhat insulated from it
This is
especially the case since there is no workers party or revolutionary trade unions
fighting for an anti capitalist non imperialist China – it would be hard to
imagine the PLA’s enlisted rank and file mutinying against a Chinese
imperialist war against Taiwan, America
and the Pacific Rim states
As long as China was able to successfully defeat the Republic of China Armed
Forces and the US Navy, China could carry out an imperialist war with no fear
of organized resistance from Chinese workers or the troops of the PLA
As for
America, there are only two major political parties in this country – the Democratic
Party and the Republican Party – both parties are controlled by the billionaires
and the owners of the major corporations
Democratic Party has its mass social base among a portion of the nation’s affluent
professionals, corporate executives, small business owners and the more privileged
and affluent layers of the working class – among African American and Jewish professionals,
executives, businesspeople and affluent workers, support for the Democratic
Party is almost unanimous, due to the open racism of the leaders of the other
major party
That would be the Republican Party, who’s mass base is among a portion of the
nation’s White, Asian and Latino professionals, executives, small business owners
and privileged affluent workers – as mentioned above, support for the Republicans
among upper class Jewish people and Black people is negligible due to the party’s
open racism
American working class does not have a party of its own – the American working
class over the last century is defined by just how unorganized it is – most workers
are not in unions, few are in any sort of community organization, in a country
where religious belief is widespread actual membership in religious
organizations is rare – the social inertness of the bottom 80% of the American
population enables the billionaires, corporations and the top 20% to inflict
their will on the rest of us with little fear of resistance
is also a starkly racially divided nation – the tragic legacy of the genocide
and mass land theft of indigenous Americans by first the British Army and later
the US Army and the Transatlantic slave trade and 247 years of Black Americans being
used as slaves, followed by 98 years of legalized racial discrimination against
African Americans and other racial minorities, that only ended in 1964
of America’s main racial groups – White Americans, Jews, African Americans,
Latinos, Asian Americans, Indigenous Americans (“American Indians”) and Pacific
Islanders - often identify primarily as
members of their race first, rather than as Americans or as members of their social class (capitalists, middle class,
workers, poor)
workers in particular, far too many American workers will see a billionaire or millionaire
of their own race as an ally and a worker of a different race as their mortal
This stark
racial divide is the main reason the working class movement is so weak in
America – it’s why we don’t have a workers party here, and why we’ve never had
more than one third of American workers unionized – it’s also why we have such
a weak social safety net here
This original sin of the American body politic is the
number one political issue in this country and the main barrier to social
progress here – as has been the case since the first slave ship docked and the
first Indigenous village was burned down by soldiers way back in the early
1600s, before we were even a country
As for
America’s labor movement, the country has one national labor federation, the
American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations – it was
born of a merger between the rival American Federation of Labor and the
Congress of Industrial Organizations in 1955 and is almost universally known by
its acronym, AFL-CIO (nobody ever says the whole name and most people probably
don’t even know what the acronym stands for)
There are
a few notable independent unions – the National Education Association, the
nation’s largest labor union and the Fraternal Order of Police are two
prominent examples – but most unions are AFL-CIO affiliates
its leadership, and its subordinate bodies and affiliated national and
international unions (the latter being American based unions with members in Canada)
are utterly subordinated to and dominated by the Democratic Party (a
relationship mirroring the All China Federation of Trade Union’s relationship
to the Chinese Communist Party in many respects)
labor unions also have a longstanding relationship with America’s organized
crime syndicates, especially the syndicate known as Cosa Nostra (Sicilian Italian
for “this thing of ours” – commonly referred to as “the mafia”) – almost all
American labor unions have extensive benefit funds and pension funds, a private
welfare state for union members and
their families only – the vast pools of capital and the poor regulation of
those funds has been a magnet for racketeers and gangsters since the late 19th
century – arguably American unions are among the most corrupt in the world –
the widespread labor racketeering here is only matched by the Canadian labor
unions (many of which are affiliates of
US based unions) and the labor movement in Australia
Only 14.3
million of America’s 161 million workers are unionized – 9.9% - 7 million of
these workers are public sector employees and 7.3 million are private sector
membership is disproportionately
concentrated among public sector workers – in particular employees of the
federal government, and of states, counties, cities and Indian tribes run by
politicians of the Democratic Party – 32% of the nation’s public sector workers
are unionized – but only 5.9% of private sector workers
to the separate labor movement in China’s autonomous Hong Kong and Macau
territories, America’s “free associated state” of Puerto Rico has a separate
labor movement – as with Hong Kong relative to China, Puerto Rico is more
heavily unionized than the mainland US – also many Puerto Rican unions are independent of the
Democratic Party and the AFL-CIO and are far more militant than unions in the
mainland US
The two
most heavily unionized occupations in the United States are public school
teacher and police officer
membership is distributed unevenly geographically – states in the Northeast,
the Great Lakes area and the Pacific Coast are among the most heavily unionized
– Hawaii with 26% unionization and New York with 20% are the highest – and states
in the Southeast and the Intermountain West are among the most heavily unorganized
– with South Dakota at 2.7% and South Carolina with 2.4% the least organized
is also distributed unevenly by branch of industry – most private sector union
members are in manufacturing, construction, transportation and utilities – farm
workers, white collar workers and service workers are almost completely
There has
been a stark decline in union membership
since the neoliberal attacks on the labor movement that began during the Carter Administration in the
late 1970s – during those years, the trucking industry was deregulated and
largely deunionized, railroad workers and miners strikes were broken by presidential
orders under the Taft Hartley Act and there was a coordinated national attack
on unions in construction and heavy industry
As a
result, private sector unionization declined from 20% to the current 5.9% -
construction went from 80% union to 10%, trucking from 90% union to 7%,
manufacturing from 50% union to 10% - the total number of union members also fell from 17.7 million to the
present 14.3 million
corrupt Democratic Party dominated AFL-CIO leadership made no attempt to resist
these attacks – they basically retreated and surrendered without a fight
As a result,
many younger workers who have entered the workforce this century have a well
founded feeling that they have been abandoned by the older generation of
workers – sometimes derisively referred to as “The Boomers” – the fact that
only 2% of workers under 30 are unionized is mute testimony to the correctness
of this perception
In the
last 50 years, strikes have become very rare in America – the US labor
leadership has largely abandoned the strike weapon – on the rare occasions when
unions carry out strikes, they are notable for their ineffectiveness – it’s common
at workplaces with multiple unions for members of other unions to keep working
while other trades on strike (in the US this is called “scabbing”)
unions rarely strike even over the worst sort of employer abuses – including bosses
literally stealing the wages of their workers – political strikes are all but
unknown here (a recent strike by University of California research staff
against US financial and material support for Israel’s war effort in the Gaza
Strip is a rare exception – an exception that was sharply opposed by the parent
union of the local representing those
researchers – the United Auto Workers)
So, it
would be improbable to imagine a strike by American labor unions against an
American war against China in the South China Sea or American troops fighting
against a Chinese invasion of Taiwan
since some labor unions openly support American militarism and imperialist war
efforts – in particular unions in manufacturing or transportation that are
directly involved in support for military operations – specifically the leaders
of the United Auto Workers, International Association of Machinists,
International Longshoremen’s Association and the Seafarers International Union
are vocal supporters of American war preparations and their national leaders
would certainly support an American war against China
There’s even a hope among some labor leaders that they and their unions could
be junior partners in such a war effort – in hopes that the government would
reward the unions by making federal defense contractors let the unions organize
their workforces without opposition
So an anti war strike simply will not
happen here
As for
the American armed forces – they consist of the US Army (452,000 soldiers) US
Army Reserves (177,000 soldiers) Army National
Guard (reservist Army soldiers in units controlled by state and
territorial governments – 325,000
soldiers) US Air Force (321,000 airmen) US Air Force Reserves (69,000 airmen)
Air National Guard (reservist Air Force airmen in units controlled by state and
territorial governments – 105,000 airmen) Civil Air Patrol (65,000 auxiliarists),
US Space Force (9,000 guardians) US Navy (337,000 sailors) US Navy Reserves
(56,000 sailors), US Marine Corps (181,000 marines) US Marine Corps Reserve
(32,000 marines), US Coast Guard (40,000
coast guardsmen) US Coast Guard Reserves (7,000 coast guardsmen) and the US
Coast Guard Auxiliary (21,000 auxiliarists) – for a total of 2,197,000 troops
Many of
these personnel are part timers, only called up when needed – often these
personnel are highly skilled tradespeople -or professionals - and every single one of them is a volunteer
After a
disastrous experience using US Army draftees in the Vietnam War (desertion was
common, so was indiscipline, and drug abuse, and racial strife – also some
soldiers refused to fight and in at least 450 incidents draftees “fragged” officers
or sergeants they disliked – that is, deliberately blew them up with
fragmentation hand grenades) the US abolished the draft in 1973 – the last
draftee soldier was honorably discharged from the military in 1976
then, every soldier in America is a volunteer
professional armed forces created by
this decision has resulted in a military that’s somewhat separate from the rest
of society – American servicepeople and their families are insulated from the rest
of society and society is insulated from
A result
of this is an armed forces who are somewhat politically insulated from the rest
of the country and any opposition to an American war effort that might arise among
that population
This is
somewhat similar to the PLA – also a professional armed forces separate from
the rest of the country in many respects
The US
military is defined by the high level of education and training among it’s
personnel – with many troops – especially in national guard and reserve units –
having college and or trade school educations in addition to the military’s own
extensive in house training operations
America’s miliary also has spent most of the last 35 years at war – there have
been American troops “in harms way” somewhere in the world every day since 1990
– this means that much of the US military have recent combat experience – an edge
on the PLA where none of their current personnel have any experience in
actual combat
means that it is almost impossible to imagine a scenario where the present US
military would ever desert or mutiny in wartime, no matter how unpopular the
war might be among the civilian population
So – what
to do?
Well, it’s
imperative for workers in America and in China to build an independent mass
working class based socialist party, with the goal of ending capitalism in
their country and to further that goal that workers party should build a network
of militant revolutionary labor unions, democratically led by worker activists
and separate from and opposed to the ruling parties in those countries (their
Chinese Communist Party and our Democratic Party)
The only
way to end imperialist wars is to end capitalism – replace a system based on
production of goods and services for sale as commodities and the exploitation
of labor with a system based on the production of goods and services for use by
free labor
This is easier said than done – especially in China, which outside of Hong Kong and Macau is a dictatorship –
but that doesn’t make the task any less essential – to make a better life for
Taiwanese, Chinese and American workers and for the world
As for Taiwan, Taiwanese workers are – like workers in Ukraine – in the
unfortunate position of having to be junior partners in a one sided alliance
with their capitalist class to defend their countries from invasion by a larger
imperialist power – independent workers parties and revolutionary labor unions
in America and China would actually be in a position to fight to protect them
from invasion and war on their island
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