THE EVIL OF TWO LESSERS – or, why the working class shouldn’t support Harris or Trump By Gregory A. Butler America has two parties of the upper class, 80% of Americans have no voice in American politics and supporting either party of the rich is, was and always will be a bad idea for working class Americans And NO, campaigning for Harris can't be justified by saying that "fascism" is on the horizon or that Trump is a "fascist" Fascism is only relevant in countries with a politically independent working class, a strong class struggle oriented labor movement, lots of strikes and a real possibility of the working class seizing power and ending capitalism That is not America in 2024 This is a country with two parties of the rich, no parties of the working class, a corrupt, pro capitalist, decomposing labor movement in decay - six percent private sector union density - that's less than the Republic of Sudan! and less strikes ...