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...AND RUMORS OF WARS - deportations, tariffs and the sea lanes of the South China Sea - a world war may be coming, can we stop it before it starts?

…AND RUMORS OF  WARS –  deportations tariffs and the sea lanes of the South China Sea – a world war may be coming, can we can stop it before it starts?   For the last few years, the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China and the United states Department of Defense have been quietly but deliberately preparing for a world war in and around the South  China Sea, the Straits of Taiwan and the island of Taiwan itself   The world’s two main imperialist powers – America and China – have come to conflict for the reasons that imperialist countries always do – conflict over who’s billionaire investors and multinational corporations will get to exploit and plunder the world   China rose rapidly in the last century – from a backwards Third World semi feudal state plundered by every imperialist power to being the world’s leading manufacturing nation (30% of all the manufactured goods on the face of this Earth were MADE IN CHINA) – the br...
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NO, DONALD TRUMP IS NOT A FASCIST and we are in no danger of democracy ending

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